Curricular Intent
Our Mission Statement unifies both the Anglican and Catholic around the salvic mission of Jesus on the cross. We believe that every child has the opportunity to achieve their potential… and beyond. Therefore our curriculum is characterised by excellence providing opportunities for students to reach their full potential and prepare them for a world outside of school. Our curriculum is shaped cognisant of the needs of young people and ‘illuminated by the Gospel Message’.
We aim to foster the intellectual, social, creative, physical, moral and spiritual development of all our students. Students at Christ the King will grow up as determined, courageous and humble individuals who will embody the gospel values throughout their lives with a deep appreciation of the beauty of God’s world around them.
Our curriculum is underpinned by our mission statement so that students will:
Be the beating heart of Christian Education.
be challenged and equipped to live and work in a complex and changing world
encouraged to respect others values and takes responsibility for themselves and others in school and the wider community
Be inspired to go beyond expectations.
encounter the living God who is Jesus Christ revealing his transforming love and truth
adopt sound moral and ethical values and can contribute positively to society
be able to manage relationships and situations well
Develop and celebrate the talents we have been given.
aspire to be the best they can be
achieve their potential in all areas of school life –spiritual, academic, creative, physical and emotional
grow in self-esteem and resilience and has a sense of social and environmental responsibility
To help our young people develop, we believe it is important for them to explore their talents and enable them to experience success and fulfil their potential. To this end we offer a broad and balanced curriculum with a wide range subjects where learning is organised so there is a sincere ongoing engagement between faith, learning and culture.
We aim to proclaim with courage the importance of preparing students through our curriculum for life in modern Britain. Students are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. The key values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs are underpinned by our Christ the King values:
At Christ the King, our values are:
To hold Christian values
To be respectful of ourselves and others
To be inclusive of all in the Isle of Wight community
To be fair to all
To challenge each other to greatness
To act with integrity.
Whilst examination outcome is important, we recognise that there is more to school than just this, so we seek to offer all students an entitlement to a rich and varied ‘pool’ of extra curricular activities through the informal curriculum. The extra curricular offer provides a space to encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth in a unique way.
Our extra curricular offer will provide students with an opportunity to explore Interests and create broader perspectives unlocking passions students never knew they had, diversifying interests subsequently broadens a student’s worldview. It promotes self-esteem improving self-confidence. Our activities provide opportunities to expand a student’s social network working alongside others. They promote fun and provide something else to complement schoolwork. Finally, the range of opportunities expose students to the real world skills. These skills include, but are not limited to, teamwork, prioritisation, problem solving and leadership.
We recognise that young people have differing needs, gifts and talents and we aim to meet these through a variety of curriculum support and intervention strategies across all year including activities tailored for high prior attainers, learning mentors and study support as well as literacy or numeracy intervention programmes.
We are ambitious for high achievement and high standards across the school. Success is often described in terms of academic outcomes. High outcomes are for everyone. At Christ the King we award and reward students in many ways. As a diverse school community, we believe our students possess unique talents, skills and qualities. As such, they have the right to succeed, the right to recognise their own greatness and the right to develop who they are in a respectful and nurturing environment.
The impact of the curriculum is measured in standards achieved, progress made and personal qualities acquired. The impact of our curriculum is seen in:
High standards: consistently performing at above national at GCSE and A level. Meeting and exceeding Age Related Expectations at KS3 .
Students who are able to promote a Christian world view
Progress which build incrementally year-on-year at a pace and momentum appropriate to the student, ensuring that KS2 learning and mastery is taken into account
Low levels of NEETs and good throughput to employment, apprenticeships and university
Quality extracurricular experiences which are memorable, worthwhile and challenging.
Teaching which is rigorous, personalised, innovative and Student-centered.
Students that are resilient, questioning, resourceful, self-sufficient.
Self-aware students, with well-formed characters, who have a thirst for learning and see it as a route to maximizing their life’s chances.
Means of Measuring Impact
The curriculum is regularly reviewed, developed, monitored and evaluated by the Executive Headteacher, Head of School, School Leadership Team, external advisers and governors, leading to improvements and innovation.
Heads of department and subject leaders take responsibility for ensuring coverage, progression and standards through long and medium-term planning, promoting the subject and developing the teaching methodology and securing high quality resources. They regularly monitor and evaluate learning, teaching and the curriculum, ensuring that the curriculum of individual subject areas is aligned with the whole school vision. They have understanding and knowledge of the KS2 curriculum in their subject areas, developed through close working with primary partners, to ensure that the curriculum of Christ the King builds on knowledge, skills and understanding mastered at KS2.
Planning is detailed, regular and collaborative and prepares teachers so they provide a coherent, personalised learning experience.
Assessment is both formative and summative and progress and attainment are regularly tracked and reported to parents.
How does our Curriculum Cater for Students with SEND?
Christ the King College is an inclusive secondary school; every child here is valued and respected. We are committed to the inclusion, progress and independence of all our students, including those with SEND. We work to support our students to make progress in their learning, their emotional and social development and their independence. We actively work to support the learning and needs of all members of our community.
A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made that is additional to or different from that made generally for other children or young people of the same age. (CoP 2015, p16)
Teachers are responsible for the progress of all students in their class and high-quality teaching is carefully planned to ensure all students can access the curriculum; this is the first step in supporting students who may have SEND. All students are challenged to do their very best and all students at the College are expected to make at least good progress.
All students with EHCPs (Education, Health and Care Plan), are supported by the Learning Support Team to further help them with their learning and in accessing the curriculum. The Learning Support and Pastoral Teams work closely with our students to provide social and emotional support for those who may need this in order to be successful at Christ the King .
How does our Curriculum Cater for Disadvantaged Students and those from Minority Groups?
As a College, we work tirelessly to raise the attainment for all students and to close any gaps that exist due to social contexts. The deliberate allocation of funding and resources has ensured that attainment gaps are closing in our drive to ensure that all pupils are equally successful when they leave our College.