History GCSE - Enables students to study different aspects of the past, so they can engage with key issues such as conflict, understand what drives change and how the past influences the present. History GCSE study helps students gain new insights into the world around them. Building on the skills and topics at Key Stage 3, our GCSE course equips students with essential skills to prepare them for further study.
History teaches us about the world in which we live today, who we are, where we come from and asks why? It is the memories of the past that provide a sense of identity, culture and a sense of the community we live in. History is a challenging & interesting subject, which deals with big issues like power, discrimination and war. It can inspire students’ curiosity about the past in Britain and around the world. Through the study of History, students are able to comprehend and understand the enormity of past events and the influence it has on their lives in modern-day Britain. It helps them to develop respect, appreciate diversity and to understand more about themselves and the impact they can have on society. Students have the opportunity to use knowledge of historic events to influence their personal choices, attitudes and values they hold. History allows students to learn from past events, to ensure that past mistakes are used positively to improve society, but also to draw inspiration from those who have had a positive impact around the world
History - Curriculum Journey
Year 10

Year 11

Year 12 & 13