Our intent is to equip our students with problem solving and critical thinking skills so that they become engaged and inquisitive students of Science. This is so that they are able to ‘talk like a scientist and think like a scientist’, developing their passion for Science and a deep understanding of the world around them. Our Science curriculum at Christ the King contextualises our students’ learning, both to our local area, as well to issues of national and international importance.
All of our Science classes are taught by experienced subject specialists, our passionate team hold a wide number of qualifications in a variety of Science fields. We strive to develop our students’ understanding of the careers available in STEM fields, and we deliver a multitude of tailored workshops, trips and outreach opportunities to enable our students to have rich experiences and be aware of onward opportunities at University, apprenticeships and other opportunities after College. We embed the gospel values in our teaching and in our relationships with students and each other.
Literacy in Science
Literacy in Science is demonstrated every lesson across key stages three and four using the three things, do now tasks. This allows us to revisit and embed key terms directed related to scientific units taught along with keywords related to working scientifically and skills.
Numeracy in Science
Numeracy in Science can be seen with regularly planned lessons involving statistics, unit conversions, data handling, formulae and graphing. This is along with reinforcing manipulation of formulae and other skills taught in maths.
Science - Curriculum Journey
Year 10

Year 11
Year 12

Year 13

Year 12

Year 13

Year 12

Year 13