Our Modern Foreign Languages curriculum provides learners with the knowledge and skills to prepare for the next stage in their learning journeys. All students study French in Years 7, 8 and 9 after which they may choose to continue further study at GCSE. A small number of students in Year 11 will complete their GCSE in Spanish in 2025. Our curriculum aims to enable students to broaden their understanding of Francophone and Hispanic (Y11 only) countries. Students are also offered an opportunity to participate in a residential trip to Normandy in Year 8.
Literacy and Numeracy in MFL
Independent vocabulary learning tasks are set weekly to support learners’ understanding of lesson content and support spelling and comprehension. Grammar rules and correct pronunciation are practised and revisited routinely to support learners to communicate accurately and confidently. Numeracy will be taught throughout the curriculum from practical skills such as telling the time and using currencies to being able to understand larger numbers and statistical information.
MFL - Curriculum Journey
Year 10

Year 11

Year 11